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Download and PRINT these signs and drop cards to take with you to the sidewalk on Good Friday, 3/29/2024!


Helpful Tips:
1) Be at the sidewalk when clinic workers are coming to work. This is the best opportunity you will have for a positive encounter. Check the clinic’s hours and arrive early.


2) Be kind, be approachable, and be LOVING. Do not hold graphic signs, don’t shout, and don’t wear anything distracting. When offering the flyer, keep it short and sweet:
      ”We care about you! If you want to quit your job, ATTWN can help you!”
      ”You can quit today! Scan this code for transitional assistance. You deserve a better job.”
      ”You don’t have to work here anymore. ATTWN is ready to help you find a job you love.”
      ”People are quitting the abortion industry today! You can leave, and ATTWN can help!”
      ”You are not alone—a lot of people are quitting today. I have information for you, and I’m praying for you.”
      ”Tired of this job? You don’t have to stay here. Walk out today and ATTWN can help you!”
3) Most importantly, PRAY, especially before you speak. If there are trained sidewalk advocates at your location, let them take the lead when speaking to abortion workers and do not talk over them. Your prayers ARE effective!

Friends and Supporters, to help us be ready to help every abortion worker who contacts us financially, legally, mentally, and spiritually, Text Exodus to 50155 to give for this project!